Saturday, August 20, 2011


I had such a weird dream last night.

Basically, school had started already, and I guess it was November or so. It was pretty normal, except people from Skins went to my school. I don't even know why this keeps happening. Anyway, I had a girlfriend, and a bunch of us were hanging out at her house for Thanksgiving or something. I think I had an identity crisis or something in French class, but then I realized nothing was wrong. Also, the French room was my old English room from like 7th or 8th grade.

Then we were planning a huge party at my neighbor's house, so me and two other people decided to go in the woods. So we're exploring, and there's metal and stuff lying around, so we have to climb on top of it to get past. Eventually, we decide to head to my friend's house, not sure why, since the party was somewhere else. We walk along some highway and cut through more woods, which doesn't make sense, since it's a roundabout way of getting to my friend's house. Like, if we'd stayed on the road, we would have gotten there faster. I woke up before we got to my friend's house.

I don't even know. I was sleep deprived when I finally got to sleep this morning.

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