Sunday, May 22, 2011

Luigi is a Dyke

I had a really weird dream this morning. This post probably won't be very linear, since I don't really remember the order of what happened.

I showered for a good 6 hours and no one said anything. I would have stayed in the shower longer, but I realized it had been six hours, freaked out about how much water I'd just wasted, and quickly got out. I think I was wearing clothes in the shower, I'm not sure. Anyway, I put on a robe, but it wasn't really a robe, it was more like a pair of onesie pajamas, but without the feet. I think my house was a fortress. It was gray and kind of castle-like, but the inside was still my house.

After I got out of the shower and got dressed, my friend texted me, saying "tell me the closest interval of 10 minutes that I can come over." I was really confused, but I told them to show up in half an hour. I think after this part I left my house and hung out with my neighbor (who I don't even talk to). He's in 8th grade, but we were hanging out and going somewhere for some reason. We got into the car, drove for a while, and went back home.

After this, I think I went to my old elementary school. I was chilling, and got a really bad cramp behind my left knee. I hobbled over to a room with glass walls and a few chairs and took a seat. Some woman with pink hair walked in and said she could help me, and I noticed there were a couple of other kids there, one of whom I'm friends with. She said she would "be right back," and I freaked out and ran home. Right before I was out of the building, I heard her saying, "And now we know the personalities of Polish people from different countries."

While I was running home, I saw Luigi on a pipe that had the word "dyke" on the side. Suddenly, everything became like a video game, and I had to do quick time events and get Luigi to go into the right pipe (I think the right one said "faggot" on it). I ignored it and kept running, because I wasn't in the mood for Luigi's shenanigans.

And then I woke up by the time I got back to my house (which was not a fortress anymore). I have some really weird dreams sometimes.